Sunday, February 13, 2011

in the kit - kryolan (beauty tech) dermacolor mini concealer palette

photo: y. diggs
Whether it's just a touch to cover dark circles and/or brighten the under-eye area, or a little more to conceal that teardrop tattoo from wilder times, Kryolan Dermacolor Mini Concealer is the way to go.  (Also works really well as a base for eyeshadow!!)
Get it here.


  1. hi i was wondering what the number of the concealer is under d4? i cant read it because of the beauty tech writing. thank you!

  2. hi there, thanks for stopping by re:thinking. the concealer under d4 is d51. take care!

  3. thank you! how do you like the palette? bc i can only see photos of the concealer can you compare the color d51 to another concealer color maybe from mac? i just dont know what the true color is. i would really appreciate it!

  4. i LOVE this palette. have had it in my kit since i started doing makeup and wouldn't dream of showing up to a gig without it. i don't use mac concealers (though i love mac for plenty of other products) so i wouldn't know how to compare d51 to a mac concealer. here's a link with more info (and a comparative swatch chart)on the product:
    hope this helps.
    thanks again!

  5. Hi! I can't find this anywhere. Does Kryolan still make this or is it under a new name? Thanks!

    1. As far as I know you can still find this at Alcone. Try this link:
      Hope you find it!
