Wednesday, May 18, 2011

really, psychology today?

An article entitled "Why Are Black Women Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women?" by evolutionary psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa was recently published on Psychology Today's website.  Chock full of pure garbage and utter nonsense, the article stayed on the website just long enough to garner the fiery backlash it was asking for.  Though it has been taken down, its contents are still available on other sites.  Kanazawa uses unsound logic and a poor excuse for a study to explain his findings that Black women are objectively less attractive than women of other races.  Over at the grio, Lori Adelman reacts, writing:
"The resulting piece of journalism -- and I use that word very loosely in this case -- is just as offensive as one might suspect. And the author's arguments turn out to have quite a few holes, not the least of which is that his "scientific analysis" of black women's inferior beauty is based on the opinions of unidentified "interviewers" and their entirely subjective standards of beauty." (the grio)
Now, is there anyone out there who truly believes we live in a post-racial world?  Really?
Personally, I couldn't care less what Kanazawa has to say about Black beauty, but for those who can't easily brush off the foolishness, don't forget that this is nothing new:  For centuries, so-called scientists have been trying to undermine Black identity in America using so-called scientific reasoning.  And our beauties are just part and parcel of our identities.

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